St. Thomas University

NUR 421- Nursing Practice in Multicultural Society

Cassandre Milien




Healthy People 2030 seeks to eliminate health disparities, enhance Americans' health,

and evaluate health improvement efforts. This program promotes health justice, disparities

removal, and national health improvement by 2030. This assignment covers mental health

treatment. Mental health impacts everyone, yet treatment is uneven. Population-specific mental

health treatment inequalities have many causes. Low-income persons have limited access to

mental health care due to lack of financial resources and health insurance coverage. Stigma,

skepticism, and provider cultural ineptitude, make mental health treatment less probable for

racial and ethnic minority groups, who are disproportionately affected. Communication about

mental health should reduce disparities. The communication strategy should educate low-income

individuals, racial and ethnic minorities, and other populations with inadequate mental health

treatment about mental health issues and resources. Population-specific messaging is needed.

Communication should assess target groups' mental health care understanding and attitudes.

Each population's education and communication needs should be evaluated. Health workers need

to use this information to construct demographic-specific mental health awareness messaging to

reduce stigma and other barriers. Surveys and stakeholder interviews may assess mental health

care knowledge. This study demonstrated how the cultural and social milieu influences public

health communication. Communication must address the requirements of the target people and

their social and cultural contexts. It strengthens public health communication initiatives to reduce

inequities and improve health.


Healthy People 2030 Health Issue: Mental Health

Specific Health Issue:


Depression is a common mental health issue that impacts the lives of millions of

individuals all over the globe. Depression is a medical illness that is characterized by a loss of

interest in formerly pleasant things and emotions of despair and hopelessness (World Health

Organization, n.d.) Despite the advancements that have been made in mental health treatment,

inequalities in depression rates continue to exist across various communities. These disparities

include racial and ethnic minorities, low-income people, and persons living in rural regions

(Mongelli et al.,2020).

Contrast causes of disparities related to this health issue within populations

Depression may severely impact everyone, regardless of age, race, or socioeconomic

position. It is valid for all people. However, the prevalence of depression varies significantly

amongst various populations, and the reasons for these differences may be attributed to various

social, economic, and environmental factors (CDC, 2021). This article will cover some of the

most significant factors contributing to the disparities in depression prevalence among


Inequities in access to mental health treatment exacerbate differences in depression rates.

Individuals may be discouraged from seeking assistance and receiving appropriate mental health

treatment due to cultural stigma around mental health and a lack of awareness about the value of

having a good mental health state. For example, members of racial and ethnic minorities may

endure cultural stigma that wrongly equates mental health issues with a lack of strength or moral

fortitude (CDC, 2021). As a result, people who are depressed yet are enduring these stigmas may


not seek treatment. Further, many people from underrepresented groups lack the financial

capacity and social networks to use mental health services. Because of this, people may have

difficulty obtaining adequate treatment and may be more prone to emotional distress.

A lack of social support might be another factor that contributes to disparities in

depression incidence. Those who don't have someone they can turn to for assistance when they

are in need may experience feelings of depression, hopelessness, and sadness as a result of their

isolated and disconnected state (CDC, 2021). For several reasons, members of some groups, such

as those with lower incomes or who reside in more distant places, may discover that it is

challenging to engage with other groups.

It is possible that having fewer resources, such as not getting enough to eat or having a

safe place to live, is linked to lower rates of depression. Economically disadvantaged people, for

instance, may have difficulty acquiring nutrient-dense diets, which may lead to malnutrition and

other health problems. When a person is exposed to threats in their house, a similar sequence of

events may follow, such as stress, disease, and depression.

Public Health Communication Strategy to Reduce Disparity and Promote Health

Communication in the realm of public health is an essential component in the larger goals

of lowering inequities in depression rates and improving mental health. A comprehensive

communication plan for public health should be developed to meet the unique requirements and

obstacles faced by various groups and encourage access to mental health treatment and

assistance. The following is a proposal for a communication strategy that the public health sector

will use to minimize the inequalities in depression rates:


Develop a Mental Health Awareness Campaign:

A mental health awareness campaign can be designed to educate the public about

depression, its causes, risk factors, and symptoms. The campaign can be promoted through

various channels, including social media, online platforms, and print materials (Rural Mental

Health, 2019). The campaign can also involve partnering with community organizations,

religious institutions, and schools to reach a wider audience and provide education and resources

to at-risk populations.

Improve Access to Mental Health Care:

Access to mental health care is a significant challenge faced by many populations,

particularly those with limited financial resources. The public health communication strategy can

involve working with mental health care providers to improve access to care and support for

needy individuals (Rural Mental Health, 2019). It can include partnering with insurance

providers to ensure that mental health care is covered and working with providers to offer

sliding-scale payment options to make mental health care more affordable.

Promote Social Support:

Social support is critical to managing depression and promoting mental health. The

public health communication strategy can involve partnering with community organizations and

religious institutions to provide social support networks for needy individuals. That can include

organizing support groups and providing resources to connect with others with similar


Address Cultural Stigma:

The cultural stigma surrounding mental health is a significant challenge faced by many

populations, particularly racial and ethnic minorities. The public health communication strategy


should involve addressing this stigma by educating the public about the importance of mental

health and promoting a positive message about mental health care (Rural Mental Health, 2019).

It can be done through public speaking engagements, media appearances, and online resources.

Utilize Technology:

Technology can be a powerful tool in reducing disparities in depression rates and

promoting mental health. The public health communication strategy can involve developing

online resources such as mental health apps and support groups (Rural Mental Health, 2019).

This can give individuals access to mental health care and support from the comfort of their

homes and reach a wider audience.

Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Communication Strategy:

To ensure that the public health communication strategy is effective, it is crucial to

evaluate its impact. That is done by tracking changes in depression rates, access to mental health

care, and utilizing mental health resources (Rural Mental Health, 2019). The results of these

evaluations can be used to make necessary adjustments to the communication strategy and to

ensure that it is effective in reducing disparities in depression rates and promoting mental health.

Evaluation plan for the communication:

The evaluation plan for the communication strategy should be comprehensive to ensure

that the goals of reducing disparities in depression rates and promoting mental health are

achieved. In addition to conducting surveys and focus groups, the evaluation plan should include

other data collection methods, such as patient satisfaction surveys and medical record reviews.

These additional methods can provide insight into the real-world impact of the communication

strategy and help identify areas for improvement.


One key aspect of the evaluation plan is to track changes in mental health-related

knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors among target populations. This can be done through pre- and

post-intervention surveys that assess participants' understanding of depression, its impact on

mental health, and their attitudes toward seeking help for mental health concerns. This data can

provide insight into the effectiveness of the education program and help identify areas where

additional education may be needed.

Another critical aspect of the evaluation plan is to monitor changes in depression rates

and mental health outcomes among target populations. This can be done by analyzing medical

records and tracking changes in depression diagnosis and treatment rates. It is also essential to

consider the impact of the communication strategy on patient satisfaction and health outcomes,

including rates of hospitalization and use of emergency services.

In addition to tracking quantitative outcomes, it is also essential to consider the

communication strategy's qualitative impact. This can be achieved through focus groups and

other forms of qualitative data collection, such as interviews with community leaders and mental

health care providers. These methods can provide insight into the challenges and barriers target

populations face in accessing mental health care and support and can help identify areas where

additional resources may be needed.

Overall, the evaluation plan should be flexible and adaptable to allow for changes and

modifications as needed based on the evaluation results. The goal should be to continuously

improve the communication strategy to meet the needs of target populations better and achieve

the ultimate goal of reducing disparities in depression rates and promoting positive mental



Targeted Communication for Each Population:

Racial and ethnic minorities: It is crucial to understand the cultural and linguistic

backgrounds of this population and provide materials that are culturally appropriate and

accessible. This can be done by partnering with local community organizations and culturally

diverse leaders to reach this population effectively (National Institute of Mental Health, 2020).

Utilizing culturally and linguistically diverse media channels, such as radio and print materials in

their native languages, can help reduce stigma and promote mental health awareness. It is also

important to address cultural beliefs and attitudes surrounding mental health and health care to

engage this population effectively.

Low-income populations: This population may face barriers in accessing mental health

care and support due to financial constraints. Therefore, it is important to provide practical and

accessible information on managing depression and accessing mental health care. Partnering

with local organizations that provide resources such as food banks, housing assistance, and

health clinics can help reach this population and provide them with the support they need

(National Institute of Mental Health, 2020). Information on financial assistance for mental health

care and practical tips for managing depression can also be provided.

Individuals living in rural areas: Due to a shortage of mental health care providers, it may

be difficult for individuals living in these areas to access care. Utilizing telehealth services and

other innovative technologies can help bridge this gap and improve access to mental health care

(National Institute of Mental Health, 2020). Partnering with local clinics and healthcare

providers to promote telehealth services can help reach this population and improve their access

to care.


When reflecting on what we've gained from working on this project, it's essential to keep

in mind that bringing gaps in depression rates closer together will need an effort that is both

thorough and ongoing. We can work toward eliminating health inequalities and promoting

mental health for all groups if we concentrate on enhancing access to high-quality treatment and

support, raising awareness, and understanding of mental health issues, and reducing stigma. To

guarantee that the communication strategy is successful in minimizing inequalities and

enhancing mental health, it is essential to regularly analyze its impact and make any required

modifications based on the findings of this evaluation.



Depression and Racial/Ethnic Minority Populations (2020). National Institute of Mental Health.

Retrieved from https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/depression/index.shtml

Mental Health and Mental Disorders. Mental Health and Mental Disorders – Healthy People

2030. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://health.gov/healthypeople/objectives-and-data/browse-


Mental Health: Depression (2021). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from


Mongelli, F., Georgakopoulos, P., & Pato, M. T. (2020). Challenges and Opportunities to Meet

the Mental Health Needs of Underserved and Disenfranchised Populations in the United

States. Focus (American Psychiatric Publishing), 18(1), 16–24.


Rural Mental Health (2019). Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

Retrieved from https://www.samhsa.gov/rural-health

World Health Organization. (n.d.). Depression. World Health Organization. Retrieved from
