

Discussion Chapter 4: Deterrence: Scaring Offenders Straight

Please answer the following questions and make sure that your response is 100 words or more.


1. What is the difference between general deterrence and specific deterrence?

2. How do we prevent someone from committing a crime?

3. In general, which component of deterrence—certainty or severity–do you think is more important in deterring crime?

Assignment Chapter 4: Deterrence Scaring Offenders Straight

Is Deterrence a "Conservative" Theory? Explain your response in 200 words or more.

Justice Is A Decision-TedTalk

Please watch the video and give three key points or statements that you didn't know before watching the video. And how can you apply these three points or statement to your life, family, job or community.

Discussion Chapter 5: Incapacitation: Locking Up the Wicked

Please answer the following questions and make sure that your response is 100 words or more.


1. Does it make sense to keep cramming offenders into warehouses/prisons when the result is that they come out no better or even worse?

2. How much crime do we really save if we imprison offenders?

3. How might we make incapacitation more efficient and just?

Assignment Chapter 5: Incapacitation Locking Up the Wicked

Describe the Incapacitation Effect and make sure that your response is 250 words or more.

What A World Without Prisons Could Look Like-TedTalk

Please watch the video and give three key points or statements that you didn't know before watching the video. And how can you apply these three points or statement to your life, family, job or community.


 CPI: Activity

Describe the pros and cons of collective and selective incapacitation. How can we as taxpayers changed this perspective in a positive or negative way? 

Final Exam: Restorative Justice Paper

Do a one-page paper on Restorative Justice.