PART I Researching:
In a group of three students, you are asked to select a topic in the field of Cybersecurity. Readthoroughly in the selected topic and summarize your understanding and findings in a researchreport. You should read and summarize at least 9 published papers in the topic you selectedand those papers should be published within the recent five years (2019 2024).
The report should be written in your own words and grammatically corrected. Neither copyingfrom the papers you read, nor using AI bots is allowed, and this may result in losing the reportmarks totally.
Here are some suggested titles for your research:
Intrusion detection: issues and challenges.
Report criteria:
- Four (4) pages excluding the cover page and the references.
- Font type: Times New Roman.
- Font Size: 12 pt.
- Line space: 1.0 pt.
- Spacing before paragraph: 0 pt.
- Spacing after paragraph: 6.0 pt.
- Margins: Normal.
- One cover page including students names and IDs.
- One page for the references and add all the citations in IEEE format.
- The report should include the following parts:o Introduction.
o Body of the report (findings, discussion, and recommendations).o Conclusion.
Add page numbering for your report.Submission:
- On the blackboard.
- Week#13.
- Wednesday.
- 01 May, 2024.
- before 03:00 PM.
- Students will get zero mark in the case of plagiarism.
- 10% of the total mark will be deducted for each day of late submission.
PART II- Presentation:
Students are asked to make the presentation during week#14. Therefore, by Sunday 05 May,2024, before 03:00 PM, students should submit a poster in the blackboard. The poster need tobe printed and used in the presentation day announced later.
Poster criteria:
- Infographic poster, showing the main points in the report (findings, discussion, andrecommendations).
- Size A1.
- Colored or Black/white.Note: The following web sites may help you in the poster designing:Presentation criteria:
- Both students of the group should participate in the presentation and speak up.
- The student should use the academic and formal language in speaking and sheshould consider the educational level of the audience.
- The student should show the willingness to explain more and answer all raisedquestions.
- Formal outfit is very important as well as the voice tune.
- As the presentation will be held in the MPH, the speech should not take more than 5minutes, and 2 minutes to answer the questions of the audience (if any).