
Collaboration Service Project

This assignment requires the candidates to take the role of lead special educator in their building, and they are to organize a presentation regarding collaboration in special education to the general education faculty in their building. Candidates are expected to collect the information for their presentation through interviews with teachers, para professionals, community service providers, related service providers and administrators. The candidate must also conduct classroom observations and attend school-community partnership opportunities and other collaboration opportunities. After collecting the information, the candidate must develop a multimedia presentation to present to the faculty. The candidate must then present it at a faculty meeting or a grade level or content specific meeting. The candidate is expected to have these presentations recorded and a copy of the recording turned in with their multimedia presentation. The site mentor must approve the final assignment prior to submission to professor. Candidates are given the following guidelines for their presentation:

Title: Collaboration Service Project (use the name of your school district) School District.

· Presented by: (your name).

· School District Facts: Name, city, state, number of students, number of students with list of school buildings, and grades served within each building.

· Name of building that you currently teach in. If not currently teaching, select a desired building.

· Define collaboration.

· Give an overview of the various teams that operate within your building.

· For each team:

· Give name of team.

· Describe the purpose of the team.

· List the different participants.

· Describe role of the different participants.

Examples of possible teams: IEP, RTI, Co-Teaching, Grade Level Teams, PBIS teams, Student Assistant Teams, Curriculum Teams

· If Co-teaching is used in your building, provide a description of how it is used, including the subject areas, grade levels and teachers involved.

· Describe how your building addresses collaboration with parents and parents of children with special needs.

· Describe how paraprofessionals are utilized in your building.

· Describe the process for referring, evaluating and placing students into special education within your building. What is the role of the special educator? What is the role of the general educator? What is the role of the building administrator? What is the role of the parent? Who is the contact person for starting the referral process? What is the timeline from the time the student is referred until special education services are initiated?

· How are co teaching and collaboration assessed and monitored in your school? Provide quantitative evidence

· Provide a list of related service providers utilized for providing special education services to students within your building (ex: physical therapist, occupational therapist, speech/language therapist, social worker)?

· Community Based Service Providers: These are providers (other than your school district) of services that exist within the community. This should include a list of the following:

· Parent advocacy/support organization serving families of children with special needs

· Area Vocational Rehabilitation Representative

· Family Counseling/Mental Health

· Related Services Providers (Ex: Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech/Language Therapy)


Use the following rubric to guide your work.

Standard 1: Learner Development and Individual Learning Differences

2.0 Beginning special education professionals create safe, inclusive, culturally responsive learning environments so that individuals with exceptionalities become active and effective learners and develop emotional well-being, positive social interactions, and self-determination.

The Candidate:






Collaboration with Other Professionals

CEC Standard 2.1

Identifies and presents research- based strategies that alleviate barriers in social skills, self- advocacy, independence and academics and the role of multi- disciplinary teams within safe, inclusive, culturally relevant learning environments; provides examples supported by their research of collaboration teams that exist within their own learning environment.

Identifies and presents research-based strategies that alleviate barriers in social skills, self-advocacy, independence and academics and the role of multi-disciplinary teams within safe, inclusive, culturally relevant learning environments.

Identifies strategies but fails to address the barriers in social skills, self-advocacy, independence, academics, and/or the role of multi- disciplinary teams.

Standard 4: Assessment

4.0 Beginning special education professionals use multiple methods of assessment and data sources in making educational decisions.

The Candidate:






Special Education Process/ Assessment Procedures and data

CEC Standard 4.0 ICSI 4.K.3

Collaborates with all stakeholders (i.e., general education teachers, administrators, etc.) in the special education process; describes how the special education process (i.e., etiology and diagnosis, effect on physical and health exceptionalities, etc.) is communicated within the learning environment [as evidenced by: description of the process, the participants, and the roles of the participants]; assesses the effectiveness of the collaborative process.

Collaborates with stakeholders (i.e., general education teachers, administrators, etc.)in the special education process; describes how the special education process (i.e., etiology and diagnosis, effect on physical and health exceptionalities, etc.) is communicated within the learning environment [as evidenced by: description of the process, the participants, and the roles of the participants].

Fails to collaborate with stakeholders, and/or fails to describe all components of the special education process.

Standard 6: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice

6.0 Beginning special education professionals use foundational knowledge of the field and their professional ethical principles and practice standards to inform special education practice, to engage in lifelong learning, and to advance the profession.

The Candidate:






Roles of Paraprofessi onal

CEC Standard 6.0,


Provides description of paraprofessional assignments and duties that exist within their educational setting; explains the role of paraprofessionals within the learning environment based on best practices.

Provides description of paraprofessional assignments and duties that exist within their educational setting.

Fails to provide description of paraprofessional assignments and duties that exist within their educational setting.


Conducting Professional Development

CEC Standard 6

Conducts professional development activities in compliance with collaboration process; [as evidenced by: talking points and discussion are highly organized; clearly addresses all components of the collaborative process].

Conducts professional development activities in compliance with collaboration process [as evidenced by talking points that address the components of the collaborative process].

Conducts professional development activities that are inaccurate and/or unorganized; [and/or little evidence of utilization of talking points in compliance with the components of the collaborative process].

Standard 7: Collaboration

7.0 Beginning special education professionals collaborate with families, other educators, related services providers, individuals with exceptionalities, and personnel from community agencies in culturally responsive ways to address the needs of individuals with exceptionalities across a range of learning experiences.

The Candidate:






Special Education Related Services

CEC Standard (7.0, 7.1)

Identifies and presents research-based strategies used

by educators to collaborate with related service providers in culturally responsive ways to address the needs of individuals with exceptionalities across a range of learning experiences; provides examples supported by their research of related services that exist within their own educational setting.

Identifies and presents research-based strategies used by educators to collaborate with service providers in culturally responsive ways to address the needs of individuals with exceptionalities across a range of learning experiences.

Candidate fails to identify research-based strategies used by educators to collaborate with related service providers.






Community- Based Service Providers

CEC Standard (7.0)

Identifies and presents research-based strategies used

by educators to collaborate with community-based service providers in culturally responsive ways to address the needs of individuals with exceptionalities across a range of learning experiences; provides examples supported by their research of related services that exist within their own educational setting.

Identifies and presents research-based strategies used by educators to collaborate with community-based service providers in culturally responsive ways to address the needs of individuals with exceptionalities across a range of learning experiences.

Candidate fails to identify research-based strategies used by educators to collaborate with community-based service providers.

7. Understanding of Collaborative Activities

CEC Standard (7.0, 7.1)

Identifies and presents research-based strategies used

by educators to collaborate with families, other educators, and individuals with exceptionalities in culturally responsive ways

to address the needs of individuals with exceptionalities across a range of learning experiences; provides examples supported by their research of related services that exist within their own educational setting.

Identifies and presents research-based strategies used by educators to collaborate with families, other educators, and individuals with exceptionalities in culturally responsive ways to address the needs of individuals with exceptionalities across a range of learning experiences.

Candidate fails to identify research-based strategies used by educators to collaborate with families, other educators, and individuals with exceptionalities.