Notes on W(5) H(1) for THREE New Research Articles and Compare & Contrast Research (p. 16a)

  1. (You do NOT need to use the “CHECK YOUR SIMILARTY HERE” submission box, as you will be cutting and pasting again for this note-taking assignment)

    You must find THREE more research articles related to your topic in exploration of your research question. 

    For this assignment, you are asked to download the Finals ‘Mission’ Packet below and SAVE it to your computer. You will be working on this document for the rest of the semester. 

    Open to p. 13a and complete Phase I and Phase II for all FOUR research articles you found. 

    Final ‘Mission’ Packet.docx

    EACH set of W(5) H(1) equals 25 pts 

Assignment Content

  1. At this point, you have found your research articles exploring your approved research question and you have learned how to find your 6 ‘ingredients’ during class

    You learned about the W(5) H(1) and completed Phase 2 on p. 13a of your Final ‘Mission’ Packet (Found in W. 4’s HW). This will be IMPORTANT for Week 7 so you MUST complete this before our next meeting. These notes will also help you with this assignment. See below

    1. You will open your Final ‘Mission’ Packet that is saved to your computer, and turn to p. 16a, “Activity: Analyze Your Research Articles: Compare and Contrast.” 
    2. Complete p. 16a using all 4 research articles in your workbook and them COPY and PASTE into a NEW Word document to be submitted here. 
    3. Grading: 
      Comparison = 50%
    • To earn full credit, you will have mentioned all four research articles, used correct in-text citations, used appropriate comparison, transition words, have written in full sentences, and have written FULLY in your own words. 
    • Contrast = 50% 
    • To earn full credit, you will have mentioned all four research articles, used correct in-text citations, used appropriate contrasting, transition words, have written in full sentences, and have written FULLY in your own words.