Read Instructions

DUE IN 9 hours Tonight by 11pm

Thursday 03/21/2024

If your unable to meet this deadline please don’t accept

Create a plan using the Three ASCA Domains- Academic, Career and Social-emotional support 

Middle School Student Case Study Review the handout of the student case Study

When build a Plan Focus on the Three ASCA Domains (academic, career and social/emotional development). 

Build a plan to support this student ( What types of Positive interventions would you Implement)?

** This Student is currently in the 7th Grade ( Junior High/Middle School)

*** SEE Attachment for Case Study

***Note After Thanksgiving break the student did pretty well they only experience one Misbehavior after November 8th.

*** Also the students grades are pretty good, The student is enrolled in an Accelerated math class

***You also see that the student does and has previously received support and different interventions

*** Please be Specific

**Please be original

**No plagiarism

**Include support options offered through the district

** Be positive, Be professional without putting the student down in a negative way

LINK to School Districts Support services

Department of Prevention and Intervention (DPI)



Based on the provided students profile Create plan on supporting the student Academical Development? Be specific to the information provided in the attachment about the student.


2nd part of the ASCA domain How create a plan to support the student Career Development (be conscious the student is currently in the 7th grade). Again Be specific based on the attached student profile.

Social/Emotional support:

3rd part of the ASCA domain How create a plan to support the student Social and Emotional Development. Again, Be specific to the information provided about the student. Plan she be based on the attached student profile.

It is important that you use the given information from the students report. 

Also see the attached link for the services provide by the school district