

Underage Drinking

Maria Chang

Florida National University

Professor: Sonia Troche

Course: Relapse Prevention

Date: February 19th, 2023


Underage drinking

The consumption of alcohol by minors is both a severe threat to public health and a

persistent issue that dates back millennia. It is considered a normal part of adolescent

development in many communities throughout the world and is generally accepted. On the other

hand, there is a growing body of evidence indicating that drinking alcohol before the age of legal

consent poses a significant risk to the physical and mental health of young people. In this article,

I will explore the risks to a person's physical and mental health that are linked with underage

drinking, as well as the legal ramifications of underage drinking and the ways in which we might

lessen the prevalence of underage drinking.

Underage drinking is associated with a wide variety of risks to one's physical health, and

these dangers can vary from moderate to severe. It just takes a few drinks for someone's motor

skills, cognitive abilities, and judgment to start to suffer when they drink. This can put people in

potentially hazardous circumstances, such as getting into car accidents, falling and drowning, or

getting injured in fights or assaults. In addition, alcohol poisoning is a dangerous condition that

can arise from drinking an excessive amount of alcohol (Harmony Square. 2020). This condition

has the potential to be fatal. An alcohol overdose can result in delayed or even stopped

respiration, irregular heartbeat, decreased body temperature, and possibly coma or death.

Underage drinking has been shown to have a significant negative impact on both physical

and mental health.According to the findings of a number of studies, the risk of a young person

developing an addiction to alcohol is increased by a factor of four for those who begin drinking

before the age of 15, in comparison to those who do not begin drinking until the age of 21

(Harmony Square. 2020). Those who begin drinking before the age of 15 are also more likely to

develop a drinking problem in the future. In addition, alcohol is a depressant, and drinking too


much of it may lead to depression as well as other issues related to mental health. In addition,

heavy drinking as a teenager may increase a person's risk of having an alcohol use problem as an

adult. This risk is increased when the person continues to drink excessively throughout their

teenage years.

In addition to the potential negative consequences on one's physical and mental health,

consuming alcohol when one is under the age at which they are legally allowed to do so may also

have serious repercussions within the legal system. It is against the law in the United States for

anybody less than 21 years old to buy or consume alcoholic beverages in any capacity. This law

applies to people on an individual level as well as to companies. A person who is found guilty of

consuming alcohol when they are under the age of legal drinking may be subject to a variety of

consequences, such as a monetary punishment, time served in jail, or the loss of their right to

operate a motor vehicle. This is because a person who is found guilty of consuming alcohol

when they are under the age of legal drinking may be subject to a variety of consequences. It is

possible for a person to be subject to one or more of these repercussions if they are detected

drinking while being under the age at which they are legally allowed to consume alcoholic


The most efficient method for reducing the number of adolescents who partake in risky

behaviors such as drinking alcohol while underage and teaching adults the significance of having

honest conversations with their kids about alcohol is education. This education can be provided

to both the youth and the adults. It is important for parents to have conversations with their

children about the dangers of underage drinking, the consequences of such conduct from a legal

standpoint, and the relevance of making responsible choices when it comes to the use of

alcoholic beverages (Harmony Square. 2020). In addition, schools should provide children with


in-depth education on the risks associated with drinking alcohol before the age of legal

adulthood, as well as guidance on how they may confidently refuse to give in to the demands that

are exerted on them by their classmates (Harmony Square. 2020). Also, there is a need for

communities to work together in order to reduce the amount of easy access that young people

have to alcoholic beverages. This may be done by the implementation of various measures, such

as raising the penalty for the sale of alcohol to minors and severely enforcing the regulations that

are currently in place.

The use of alcoholic drinks by individuals who are under the age at which it is permitted

for them to do so is a substantial risk to the overall physical and mental health of society as a

whole. It is vital to educate parents on the necessity of having dialogues connected to alcohol

with their children, and it is essential to teach young people about the hazards involved with

drinking at a young age. Both groups of people should be educated on the other. Also,

municipalities need to work together in order to cut down on the quantity of alcohol that is

accessible to young people and to step up their enforcement of laws that are already in place. If

we take these steps, we will be able to reduce the number of individuals who drink while they are

underage and create an atmosphere that is not only healthier for young people but also safer for

them. This will be a win-win situation for everyone involved.



Harmony Square. (2020). Underage Drinking, Dangers, and Consequences – Talk It Out on the

Learning Videos Channel. YouTube. Retrieved February 18, 2023,

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBNrmmwZKOE