Web Validity Assignment
Marking Rubric
Rubric |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
Example of a well met HON principle |
Extensive explanation with at least two details for the principle in at least three sentences. |
Nearly complete explanation of well met HON principle with two details in brief two sentences |
Adequate explanation of well met HON principle with one example |
Weak explanation of one well met HON principle with no example |
No HON principle identified |
Example of a questionable or poorly met HON principle |
Extensive explanation, with at least two details for the principle in at least three sentences |
Nearly complete explanation of questionable or poorly met HON principle with two examples in brief two sentences |
Adequate explanation of questionable or poorly met HON principle with one example |
Weak explanation of one questionable or poorly met HON principle with no example |
No HON principle identified |
Accuracy: Textbook comparison |
Exceptional evidence of critical thinking an analysis |
Effective evidence of critical thinking an analysis |
Adequate evidence of critical thinking and analysis |
Little evidence of critical thinking and analysis |
No evidence of critical thinking and analysis |
Application to nursing practice |
Extensive explanation of the usefulness of web site assessments to determine validity related to nursing practice. + 3 concepts |
Nearly complete explanation of how nurses can use website assessments in their practice with 2 paragraphs and 2 ideas |
Adequate explanation of how nurses can use website assessment skills in their practice. |
Weak explanation of how nurses can use website assessment skills in their practice. Does not discuss HON principles |
No Application to Nursing Practice |
Readability Spelling, Sentence and paragraph structure, APA formatting |
Sophisticated use of language & vocabulary. No errors in scholarly format according APA format. Free from errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, & sentence/paragraph structure. |
Effective use of language & vocabulary. Minor errors in scholarly format according to APA format. Minor errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, & sentence/paragraph structure. |
Limited use of language & vocabulary. Occasional errors in scholarly format according to APA format. Occasional errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, & sentence/paragraph structure. |
Poor use of language and vocabulary. Numerous errors in scholarly format according to APA format, Numerous errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, & sentence/paragraph structure. |
Inappropriate use of language and vocabulary. Gross errors in scholarly format according to APA format, Gross errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, & sentence/paragraph structure. |
Total: /20 |