
Web Validity Assignment

Marking Rubric







Example of a well met HON principle

Extensive explanation with at least two details for the principle in at least three sentences.

Nearly complete explanation of well met HON principle with two details in brief two sentences

Adequate explanation of well met HON principle with one example

Weak explanation of one well met HON principle with no example

No HON principle identified

Example of a

questionable or poorly met HON principle

Extensive explanation, with at least two details for the principle in at least three sentences

Nearly complete explanation of questionable or poorly met HON principle with two examples in brief two sentences

Adequate explanation of questionable or poorly met HON principle with one example

Weak explanation of one questionable or poorly met HON principle with no example

No HON principle identified


Textbook comparison

Exceptional evidence of critical thinking an analysis

Effective evidence of critical thinking an analysis

Adequate evidence of critical thinking and analysis

Little evidence of critical thinking and analysis

No evidence of critical thinking and analysis

Application to nursing practice

Extensive explanation of the usefulness of web site assessments to determine validity related to nursing practice. + 3 concepts

Nearly complete explanation of how nurses can use website assessments in their practice with 2 paragraphs and 2 ideas

Adequate explanation of how nurses can use website assessment skills in their practice.

Weak explanation of how nurses can use website assessment skills in their practice. Does not discuss HON principles

No Application to Nursing Practice



Sentence and paragraph structure, APA formatting

Sophisticated use of language & vocabulary. No errors in scholarly format according APA format. Free from errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, & sentence/paragraph structure.

Effective use of language & vocabulary. Minor errors in scholarly format according to APA format. Minor errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, & sentence/paragraph structure.

Limited use of language & vocabulary. Occasional errors in scholarly format according to APA format. Occasional errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, & sentence/paragraph structure.

Poor use of language and vocabulary. Numerous errors in scholarly format according to APA format, Numerous errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, & sentence/paragraph structure.

Inappropriate use of language and vocabulary. Gross errors in scholarly format according to APA format, Gross errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, & sentence/paragraph structure.

