Writing Question

The critique is only 2-3 double spaced 12 font APA formatted pages with a few sentences about each section in the paper.

Intro- Whats the topic & Why is the topic important. What are the research questions? What is the purpose of the article?

Lit Review-

Theoretical Framework- What is the Theoretical Framework? If it doesnt have one, please state that as a limitation of the study.


The article should be an empirical one. What type of study is it? Qualitative or quantitative?

Write a sentence about the participants and each of the instruments (including reliability & validity) if qualitative or overall nature of the questions of qualitative. If qualitative, what data analysis was used?

Write a sentence about each section of the methods.

Write a few sentences about the results?

Write a few sentences about the discussion.

Then write a few sentences about how this article informs your topic and how you will use the research to inform your methodology.

Did you check if the article is empirical? Is there a data analysis section?

Does it relate to or inform your topic?