
Proposal for addressing the problem and determining impact from Christian worldview perspective

From a Christian worldview perspective, addressing low morale in the military should involve not just improving work conditions, but promoting human flourishing and creating a positive work environment. A comprehensive leadership training program is crucial in this process, as it will equip leaders with the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively support and motivate military personnel. Providing adequate support and resources to military personnel and their families is also crucial in improving morale, as it demonstrates the value placed on the well-being of military personnel. Recognizing the achievements and contributions of military personnel is another important aspect, as it boosts their sense of self-worth and motivation to perform at their best. Overall, a holistic approach to addressing low morale in the military, grounded in a Christian worldview, will have a positive impact on the well-being and productivity of military personnel, and ultimately contribute to the success of the military organization.

Final problem statement

Low morale within the military has a significant impact on military personnel, leading to decreased productivity, higher rates of absenteeism and attrition, decreased job satisfaction, and motivation. The root causes of low morale include poor leadership, inadequate support, lack of recognition, and resources. To increase overall morale to 85% within the next 2 years and promote human flourishing, a comprehensive leadership training program, adequate support and resources, recognition of achievements and contributions, and a positive work environment are needed.

Documentation of sources

Kerns, Z. D. (2021).  A Crisis of Low Morale: Support for the Military in America's Working Class. US Army School for Advanced Military Studies.